License error -88

Creation date: 11/28/2023 7:25 PM    Updated: 12/25/2024 10:25 PM   error 88 error -88 license error -88 system failure
This error means that there was a system failure in the OS that changed the current date and time to date "from the future". Even if everything is fine with the set time now, files and Windows events with an incorrect date have already been created in the OS, and the OS determines the current date for itself by these files, and not by the date specified in the taskbar.

There are only two ways to solve the problem:
  • Reinstalling the OS
  • Search for and change the creation date of files in the OS created during a system failure. In such a case, it will probably also be necessary to completely clear all Windows events.
This error is related to a failure inside the operating system, nanoCAD has nothing to do with this problem.

If clock synchronization and file date correction did not help, there is a possibility of an issue with the BIOS battery. Replacing it solves the problem.
If none of the mentioned options help resolve the issue, the only remaining solutions are to reinstall the operating system or install nanoCAD on another computer.