How to register nanoCAD with e-mail and Registration Wizard

Creation date: 3/11/2024 8:58 PM    Updated: 4/24/2024 5:57 PM    activate license e-mail license register nanocad registration wizard
1. Run Registration Wizard and select "Enter the serial number to get a license file"

2. If you have serial number, enter it in the field and click Next. The User Authentication window will be opened.
Otherwise click on link. You will be redirected to website. Follow site instruction for getting serial number, then start Registration Wizard again to activate your license.

3. In User Authentication window enter your login (it coincides with email you registered at

4. Click Next and then Yes to continue the license request:

5. Select "Request license file by e-mail"

and click Next.
Email will be generated automatically. Please do not edit the message.

Send this e-mail and wait for response.
You will get an email with license file. Save this file on your PC.

6. Start Registration Wizard again and choose "Manually activate license file" option.

7. Specify path to license file you get from e-mail

Click Next and Finish.
