How to enable tentative snap when drawing objects from a point cloud?

Creation date: 10/1/2024 5:50 PM    Updated: 12/25/2024 10:44 PM
The system of snap-to-point cloud data has two levels: basic – snap-to-point geometry, and advanced - 3D snap-to-parametric geometry recognized in a cloud. Basic snaps are activated by the “Node” type (snap settings manager in the status bar) and are managed by a checkbox in the ribbon (Point Clouds section -> Settings -> Snap Point Cloud).

Advanced ones are activated by a set of Point Cloud Snap Modes ("Point Cloud. Edge Node", etc.), in the 3D snap manager in the status bar and are managed by a checkbox in the ribbon (Point Clouds section -> Settings -> Snap to Features)

But for 3D snaps to work, you should first recognize the geometry using the tools in the "Features" section of the ribbon
